The Youth Revolt in the Red Desert 🏜️

Behind The Scenes Photoshoot travel

The Youth Revolt took a trip up north to the Northern Territory to shoot the upcoming first "Life is Beautiful" collection. Joined along the way with photographer and all round legend Hayden O'Neill from Desfura.

The reason we chose to shoot up in the NT was:
    • A) To escape the lockdowns in VIC, which we made by one day!
    • B) This upcoming collection is all about feeling good and feeding off the positive energy from the sun and the nature around us, so what better spot to shoot than the NT! 🌞

Being around Uluru really gave us a real sense of connection to the land and a deep understanding of why the land so important to the indigenous communities that live nearby.

One thing that really stuck with me was; when we were leaving an Aboriginal cultural class (where they showed us what they ate, how they hunted, art and culture etc.) one of the Elders turned to the group of 10 of us and said very meaningfully, with a smile on his face, looking into the heavens -
"Enjoy this beautiful sunset tonight." 🌅

Something small like that, really meant a lot because you could see that he had such an appreciation for the beauty in the land and the beauty that nature can bring. That night we did enjoy it and really appreciated that beautiful sunset. Life is beautiful and life is simple when we break it down. Sometimes we need to slow down and take in the beauty that is right in front of us. So if you're reading this right now, tonight go out and watch the sunset, without your phone, without music - Sit there with your thoughts and soak in the beautiful sunset and reflect on at least on thing you are grateful for.

If you ever get the chance to head to Central Australia, I'd definitely recommend it, friendly and welcoming people, great hikes and bush walks and most importantly you leave feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world! Which is the exact feeling you will get by wearing the items from this up coming collection!

Full collection live: 30.8.21

Sign up to our email for a "Friends & Family" 10% discount for launch night below:


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